Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring is in the Air

Annisha and I planned to meet for lunch on Friday, but it was so beautiful outside this morning that she emailed me and asked if I wanted to meet in Bryant Park around 12:30. So we did, and the day was indeed beautiful. In fact, it was almost too warm along the perimeter of the park since the canopy of leaves hasn't grown back yet to shade the lunch crowd from the sun.

It's kind of funny that everyone in my office was so excited about the weather today - as if we've had a hard winter. However, after the record cold temperatures we had in February, it's easy to forget that it was 71 degrees Fahrenheit on January 6. I guess it's the anticipation of spring that really has everyone talking.

I meant to take some camera phone photo ops during lunch, but since I forgot, here are some images taken in Bryant Park during my first fall season in New York City.

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