Saturday, March 08, 2008

Search-Term Saturday: Foreshadowing of a Future Profession?

Maybe if my rent goes up 200% again next year.

I know my "Search-Term Saturdays" are pretty sporadic. With a blog that doesn't particularly boast or seek a lot of traffic, I don't always have amusing or interesting referrals. In fact, I have anxiety whenever traffic happens to spike above 50 unique visitors in one day, and I go back through recent posts to make sure I didn't reveal anything that I shouldn't have about a family member or friend. Link to related post

But just when I was telling my NYC Blogger girls at dinner last Wednesday that I have never been linked* to anything [and by "anything," I meant any sites that are more or less "official" like ... ahem], I have been linked by a porn site called as "A Collage of Girls Stripping at hostel Campus." Someone in Calcutta visited my blog via that link.**

*DrunkBrunch's post on an odd visit to the gynecologist, where a doctor's assistant "hit on [her] mid-vag" - Gawker's Blogorrhea

*Misguided Misadventures in NYC's "
Salt in the Wound" or "Irish Enough" - by Gawker's Blogorrhea

**I'm the second "A Collage of Girls Stripping at hostel Campus" link, but I wouldn't click on it at a-lok. Maybe it's phishing site and it definitely doesn't take you to a collage of girls stripping at a hostel campus. Not yet anyway. Stop back by after/if I renew my lease in November.

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