Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Phone Photo Ops - Through Windows

My boss told me to call a car service to take me to and from tonight's division party since I was bringing all of the party props and favors to the bar we had rented out. I'm such a dork, but I had to take some photos of my first New York City car service.
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Crossing 8th Avenue to set up the bar for our party
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The inside of a Lincoln Town Car may be nicer, but I still prefer the "quintessential New York [view]" of the city from the back of an N.Y.C. taxi.
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After the party heading back to the office
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The reflection of my cubicle in my boss's office window
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Passing through Times Square on my way home last night
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And during another recent evening commute, the subway window briefly framed the performer who had provided some decent platform entertainment.
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He was playing a guitar and singing a song about Virginia and his Blueridge Mountain Home.

1 comment:

Dina said...

I love the fact you said that you like the view of the city in the back seat of a! I think your there to STAY!!!