Saturday, December 22, 2007

Phone Photo Ops - Corporate Holiday Spirit

Our office closed yesterday, and I am on paid holiday leave through January 2. I will be spending the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa etc. season in New York and enjoying a week and a half of corporate-less bliss. It's like being on winter break in college all over again. In the meantime, a photo essay to summarize the joy of the corporate holiday.

I know this is a holy season across many cultures, but I have a theory that pure evil is behind the sugary and salty forces of the holiday waistline bulge. Call it Satan, if you will. But whatever demon is behind the caloric debauchery that has been invading our office over the past three weeks is dissolving six months worth of 4-days a week/6 a.m. workouts. Back into the darkness, I command you!!!

However, whatever sacred force was behind the purchase of this gift from my boss, I commend you, oh, Ghost of Christmas Present!

And a holiday card signed by the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism, which our office found quite funny. Just a little advertising humor - second only in corniness to IT humor.

More treats from Google and other partners and vendors all addressed to me. It sure is nice to assist the VP.

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