Friday, July 13, 2007

Phone Photo Op - Commuter Peeve

I hate this more than the people who stand on the platform
right in front of the doors to the train.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
But I secretly crave these moments so I can snap pictures
with my phone and post them in my blog.


Anonymous said...

yea double seats annoy me!

bathroomchat said...

This happens to me when I try to catch the A express to midtown and I always ask the person to move over. That shit ain't cool!

Dina said...

I didn't get it....I was trying to figure out WHAT was soo annoying..the paper he was reading, was he reading outloud? till I read your other comments!! AHHH got it!
that is annoying...
same thing when I'm driving ( it just happen yesterday) some car thinks they have a better car than someone else that he can take up TWO parking stalls....almost makes ya want to do something to it!! secretly...

KJS said...

Hahaha! It's funny how the New Yorkers immediately recognized the significance of this photo and you were like, ummmmm???

But I bet you could knitpick stuff on the island that people from the "mainland" would rarely notice initially, if at all.

Dina said...

oooooohhhh yeah!! one thing that struck me soo odd here, is the driving..they drive slow,let EVERYONE go first, (like a lane change...they LET YOU IN!!! I;m from California...THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN ) :)